Corpus Research Institute
Corpus Research Institute is a well – known academic body for all students of History. This Institution was established in 1996 on 9th August by our Founder President Prof. Chittabrata Palit and the alumni members of History Dept. of Jadavpur University. The Institute has vaulted over the gate and ran up the path of 28 years after its initiation since August, 1996. Regarding its academic excellence the institution runs two journals ‘Abahaman’ in Bengali and ‘CLIO’ in English annually. It also maintains elaborate publication program of both English and Bengali books which are basically the thesis work of the members of CRI. The Higher Education Dept. (Govt. of West Bengal) and the ICHR provide funds for Maintenance, Seminars, Publications etc.
The Institute had to go through many difficulties but thanks to the diligence and ardour of our Founder President Prof. Chittabrata Palit and heartfelt co-operation of the members, the Institute has been able to overcome all adverse circumstances and march forward till the present day. The achievement of the Institute is elucidated from the fact that the number of life and annual members have swollen a great deal with the passing time.As a registered non-government organisation it is dedicated mostly to historical research along with other academic activities. It organises seminars, publish books and seminar proceedings. In this connection it can be mentioned that the Institute published two journals CLIO in English version and Abahaman in Bengali every year. These are basically the thesis or research work of the members. The Institute also conducts NET/SET preparation and PhD. Guidance programme in History